School info
Eden Seventh-day Adventist Academy Primary School welcomes all those who are in
harmony with the philosophy and objectives of Christian education and who will
cheerfully endeavor to live according to its principles. Upon admission, every learner
pledges to observe willingly all the regulations of the school and uphold the principles
upon which the school is basedIt is also a part of the staff and learner’s contract that he/she will perform all the duties
assigned to him/her in connection with the school to the best of his/her ability.
Non-Discrimination Statement
The school will not discriminate entry to learning on the basis of colour, gender,
race, religious beliefs, social-economic status, political orientation, etc.
The following pre-requisites must be met for a learner to be enrolled:
4.3.1 A genuine desire and interest in the development of a positive
and personal growth.
4.3.2 Learners will be admitted to the school where the child should
have attained the age of seven but not exceeding 8 years by the
date of registration and admission to the school in the academic
year of schooling.
4.3.3 Learners who are pre-registered and have paid the appropriate
fees have first priority to places in classrooms.
4.3.4 If a child is registered and accepted in the school, the place is
reserved for only two (2) weeks from the date of re-opening in
the new academic year. Beyond the second week the child’s
place is forfeited together with the registration fee and the
parent will need to re-apply if there is still space available and if accepted, the forfeited registration fees will be re-instated.
Learner Medical Examinations
All parents are required to present medical reports (a statement of disclosure by a
parent concerning the health status of a child) about learners with specific medical
conditions (e.g. any allergies or illness that a child may have) to ensure that the school
is informed about the learners’ health fitness at the beginning of the school year and
school term where necessary. This expectation does not apply to learners without any
medical conditions.
General and Contagious Illness
If a child has been diagnosed as having a contagious disease, (e.g. chicken pox, TB or
measles, etc.), the child should be kept at home until the illness has cleared up to avoid
the disease from spreading to other learners. Similarly, if a child is not well prior to the
beginning of the school day, parents are requested to keep the child at home. Kindly
notify the school teacher or office about the condition of the child.
Time of Arrival
Supervision is provided for learners beginning at 06h45 and all staff and learners
are expected to be at school at this time. Lessons start at 07h30.
School day end
Departure time from the school is 17h00 for children who go early and not later
than 17h30. Supervision is provided for 30 minutes after 17h00. Learners who
are not picked after 17h30 will be charged a late fee of N$50.00, which will be
added to the learners’ monthly account.
Children are not released from the school to wait for cars/parents outside. It is
mandatory that the parents must fetch their children personally from the class.
Should someone else other than the parent or guardian be sent to fetch the child,
the concerned parent needs to inform the school personally in writing by a signed
letter or telephonically.
Habits of promptness and regularity are as important to the school program as
are learning and study habits. Regular attendance, promptness, and
dependability are characteristics of successful learners. If a child is absent from
school, parents should notify the office before 09h00 – the school accepts no
liability for a leaner’s absence unless the parent has contacted the school to
inform the office that the learner will not be in attendance that day. Upon
returning to school after an absence, a written excuse stating the reason for the
absence must be presented to the teacher.
Learners who are not in their respective classrooms by 08h30 must get a tardy
slip. The Administrative Secretary issues a tardy slip to the learner which must
be presented to the teacher in order to be admitted into the classroom.
Any learner who is absent from school without valid excuse or who is tardy for a
total of two hours for any given week, may be reported as truant to the Principal.
Furthermore, the school is required to inform the School Board if suspicion of
“neglect” (truancy) by the parent exists
Learner Evaluation
Learner evaluation is an on-going and continuous process that seeks to monitor
and measure learner performance in all areas including class work, homework,
tests, class participation, and special projects. Parents are encouraged to be
part of this process.
School Reports
Reports are issued a day before school closure but can be issued earlier if a
parent makes a request three days in advance before school closure.
Homework Policy
Homework is an important and integral part of the instructional program of the
school. It contributes to learners’ success by reinforcing and maintaining skills
taught in the classroom and helps encourage learners to become independent
learners. The attitude and responsibility the parents assume in helping their
children with the homework/assignments will affect either positively or
negatively the learner’s achievement in school.
Parents can help their children make the best use of the time, which is spent
on home study by following these suggestions:
• Provide a comfortable, quiet, well-lighted place to do homework.
• Arrange an appropriate time for study.
• Minimize distractions: telephone calls, television, stereo, visits,
• Take an active interest in what the child is doing.
• Encourage the child to do his/her best, but do not do the work for
• Discuss with the teacher if the child needs special help.
• Make resource materials available.
• Give personal supervision where it is needed.
• Discuss with the child how to carry out the study plan.
General Guidelines
The faculty of Adventist Union School believes that “the object of discipline is the
training of the child for self-government” (Education, p.287). Proper order and
discipline are necessary for success in schoolwork. On or away from the school
campus, students are expected to show the same respect for duty, order,
morality, personal honor, and the rights of others as is expected of any good
Any practice or attitude that tends to nullify a Christian atmosphere or defeat
the purpose of the school will not be permitted. Accordingly, students who
choose to disobey class rules will be disciplined so as not to allow their
behavior to interfere with the teacher’s commitment to teach, or with the
commitment of other students to learn.
Teachers may employ a variety of appropriate methods to attain the stated goals.
Every effort will be made to ensure that disciplinary methods are redemptive,
remedial, and corrective, rather than punitive.
Recognizing that discipline falls into a scale of misbehavior ranging from least to
most serious, the school will make every effort to see that any measures taken
will be such that the “punishment fits the crime.” Corporal punishment will not
be allowed whatsoever.Fairness is important at every level of misbehavior. However, more serious
infractions will be dealt with more formally than less serious infractions. The
learner will be provided with notice, an opportunity to be heard and present
his/her side and a chance to confront and question his/her accusers.
Referrals will be sent home when a child commits a serious infraction of the rules.
Referrals are different from a note that a teacher might send home as a way to
communicate with the parents. Notes are a way to inform the parents of an
inappropriate behavior. Referrals are of more serious in nature.
Suspension from school will be used only when other corrective measures have failed
or a serious offense has been committed. When a learner is suspended, the parent will
be notified of the suspension and the reasons for the suspension. The principal will
recommend to the School Board the suspension of a learner from school for:
• Willfully causing physical or emotional harm to any person.
• Willfully causing damage to or unauthorized removal of any school property. In
the event of damage to school property, e.g. a window, parents shall pay for its
replacement including all the necessary costs related to the restoration of the
damaged property.
• Willfully disobeying any person in the school authority including all teachers, the
school secretary, bus drivers, supervisors, and all others who are responsible for
the development of learners.
• A pattern of relatively less serious infractions indicating a rebellious or
uncooperative attitude.
• Leaving school without permission.
• A teacher may recommend to the principal a temporal, suspension of a learner
from a particular class for security and investigation purposes.
Whenever, in the judgment of the teachers and the principal, a learner’s connection
with the school is no longer profitable to him/her, or should his/her influence become
detrimental to others, she/he may be dismissed from the school following consultations
with the board though no obvious act has been committed.
Any learner engaging in any of the following activities makes himself/herself liable to
dismissal from school:
• Using, handling, possessing, or furnishing to others tobacco, alcoholic
beverages, narcotics, or drug paraphernalia.
• Using or possessing dangerous weapons or explosives of any kind.
• Using profane or indecent language, possessing or displaying obscene
literature, pictures, or articles.
• Habitual dishonesty.
• Willful destruction of school property.
• Tampering with the school fire equipment or the fire alarm system.
• Undermining the religious ideals and faith held by the Seventh-day Adventist
• A pattern of refusal or failure to complete assigned schoolwork.
• Improper conduct involving persons of the opposite sex.
• Defiance or insubordination to any faculty or staff member.
• Fighting, (physically or verbally)
Regulations adopted and announced by the faculty or school board during the school
year are as binding as those printed in this school bulletin. The school board is the
ultimate authority in the dismissal of students upon the recommendation of the
1 Peter 3: 3-4
Isaiah 3:16 – 24
Make up and Jewelry
Jewelry such as: –
• necklaces,
• bracelets,
• lockets,
• rings,
• Earrings, or studs may not be worn.
Make up or hair dye, which produces an “artificial” appearance, is not to be used
for both learners and the Eden staff at large.